Removal of Alpha Prefix will Impact Prior Authorizations

September 9, 2021

What's changing

Effective Sept. 1, 2021, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) is removing the alpha prefix from all Texas Medicaid STAR, CHIP and STAR Kids member ID cards. This will affect future prior authorization requests. For BCBSTX Medicaid prior authorization requests, call or fax the requests to the following numbers:

Numbers for STAR & CHIP:
Phone: 1-877-560-8055
Fax: 1-855-653-8129

Numbers for STAR Kids:
Phone: 1-877-784-6802
Fax: 1-866-644-5456

Process for clinical documentation:

If our utilization management team notices that any supporting clinical documentation is missing, they will reach out to the provider to gather the necessary information.


For questions or additional information, please contact our BCBSTX Medicaid Provider Service Center at 1-877-560-8055 or your Texas Medicaid Network team at 1-855-212-1615 or via email Texas Medicaid Network Department.